Navigating the New Normal: Protecting Data and User Privacy with Identity Assurance

As the remote and hybrid workforce continues to expand, the recent report, “The Remote Workforce – The Rise of Globally Distributed Teams,” highlights several intriguing trends and themes, while also posing critical questions about securing sensitive data in remote environments.


Continuous Identity Assurance:

By implementing Continuous Identity Assurance, companies can effectively manage a distributed remote workforce. This technology ensures that only authorized individuals can access sensitive company data, regardless of their location. Continuous assurance enhances security by constantly verifying the user’s identity through behavioral biometrics, device usage patterns, and other factors, reducing the risk of unauthorized access and data breaches. More importantly, these controls can be implemented in a manner that advocates end-use privacy, and not in an Orwellian manner.


  1. Distributed Remote Workforces as a Competitive Advantage

Enhanced Security for Global Talent: While there is a compelling argument for those great ideas that occur because of a water cooler conversation or a chance meeting in the office corridor (I have had plenty of these conversations in my career and will admit to missing the daily face-to-face interaction with my colleagues), the appetite for remote working opens the talent pool globally without incurring expensive relocation costs. With higher-quality applicants applying from various locations, securing data across borders becomes paramount. Continuous identity assurance provides a robust security framework that allows businesses to confidently hire internationally, knowing its data and systems are protected.


  1. Long-Term Benefits Over Short-Term Fixes

    Improved Employee Retention and Productivity: Continuous identity assurance can contribute to a secure and seamless user experience, which in turn supports higher employee productivity. Employees can work without the constant interruption of traditional security checks, while still ensuring that their activities are monitored for security purposes.

    Reduced Risk and Enhanced Trust: A secure working environment fostered by continuous identity assurance can lead to higher employee trust and retention. When employees feel their data and work environment are secure, they are more likely to stay with the company.


  1. Overspending on Entities and Offices

Cost-Effective Security Solutions: Instead of setting up costly physical offices with on-site security measures, businesses can invest in continuous identity assurance. This technology allows for secure remote access, eliminating the need for physical security infrastructure in multiple locations. There are numerous examples of companies divesting office space during the pandemic. The real estate costs for re-instituting these will be substantial.

Scalability: As companies expand their distributed workforce, continuous identity assurance provides a scalable solution to secure new remote employees without significant additional costs.


  1. Generational Differences in Remote Work Preferences

    There needs to be a realization that the flexibility of remote working must also respect that data needs to be protected, ensuring that all regulatory needs are also adhered to.

    Catering to Younger Generations: Younger employees who prefer remote work also value security and ease of use. Continuous identity assurance provides a seamless and secure working environment that aligns with their expectations for flexibility and technological integration.

    Adapting to Changing Workforce Dynamics: As the workforce becomes more remote and digitally inclined, continuous identity assurance ensures that security measures evolve with these changes, providing consistent protection across all generations.


  1. Productivity and Employee Retention

    Secure and Efficient Work Environment: Continuous identity assurance supports productivity by minimizing disruptions caused by intrusive security checks while maintaining a high level of security. This balance allows employees to focus on their work without compromising security and the privacy of the end-user.

    Preventing Data Breaches and Ensuring Compliance: By continuously verifying user identities, companies can prevent data breaches and ensure compliance with global data protection regulations. This proactive approach to security helps in retaining clients' trust and protecting the company’s reputation.



Continuous Identity Assurance plays a critical role in securing a company’s data in a remote workforce environment. It enhances competitive advantage, supports long-term benefits like employee retention and productivity, reduces unnecessary costs, adapts to generational preferences, and ensures a secure and efficient work environment. By integrating this technology, businesses can confidently embrace the distributed remote workforce model, knowing its data and systems are protected and its employee privacy is respected.


About the Author

Keith Bowie 

Keith is the CIO and SVP of Engineering at SessionGuardian. With over 30 years in financial services technology, he leads innovations that keep remote workforces secure. Connect with Keith on LinkedIn for more insights into cybersecurity and remote work solutions.

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